A More4 News survey of doctors reveals growing concerns for the quality of patient care in Britain.
More4 News sent out a survey to doctors throughout England, Wales and Scotland: Our results are based on the answers of the first 200 to respond.
Many GPs reported that patients are being discharged from hospital without proper care and that more are being readmitted.
The survey also said: they'd seen an increase in patients discharged from hospital without proper care, while 17% said they hadn't, 10% said they didn't know.
Of that 73%, 90% said that that had resulted in more readmissions to inpatient care.
52% said it had become more difficult to get specialist consultant outpatient appointments over the last few months, while 37% said it had stayed the same. Just 9% said it had got easier.
In response to the More4 News survey results the Secretary of State for Health Patricia Hewitt said: "Well I'm obviously concerned to hear about that survey.
"I would certainly accept that there will be individual cases where that has happened, but it should not be happening; it is bad practice.
"It's obviously dreadful for patients to be sent home too early without the support that they need, and then finding themselves readmitted as a result."
In our survey, we also asked whether it had become harder or easier to get specialist consultant outpatient appointments over the last few months.