Our reporter Keme Nzerem had rare access to Guantanamo Bay, where the US military keeps its prisoners in the War on Terror. Here's his account:
As our minders ushered us to the recreation enclosure in Camp 4 - where Guantanamo's most complicit detainees are being held - 4 or 5 them were playing basketball in the Caribbean sun.
Fantastic images for us - and a great PR coup for Gitmo's press team tying to mend America's sullied image. We'd been warned the detainees usually hide in the shadows when television crews show up.
But we never got to shoot a frame - because the Camp Guards shooed them away. My initial reaction - disappointment, this clear evidence of a disconnect between Gitmo's image consultants - and its workers on the ground.
We filmed on as the detainees chatted in the background, one of them riding an exercise bike. Our guide asked me what I thought of the scene before me.